Monday, November 9, 2009


I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands: one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Recently Americans have been mourning the deaths of the 13 U.S. soldiers and the many others that were wounded. I have payed my respects to these soldiers by praying for their families and honoring their deaths by remembering them from day to day as well as saying the pledge of allegiance. I have noticed that for several years people do not say the pledge of allegiance and I am shocked that there are people that will not say the pledge for fear of being stared at or looked down upon for showing respect for something that is greater than themselves. Why has showing respect come to the point that it is looked down upon. The idea that people will not pay the respect that our flag deserves and what it stands for, as well the men and women who have sacrificed their lives, limbs, minds, brothers, sisters, fathers mothers, sons, and daughters and continue to fight for the ideals that America was founded on. How much effort does it really take to rest your hand over your heart and say a 31 word chant? Please ask yourselves these questions and answer them honestly and leave a comment with your answers.

This is my 2 cents


  1. I always get tears when I say this pledge (not that often, as an adult), and sing the anthem of our country. I cannot finish that song without emotion. This is a very thoughtful post and especially meaningful from a teen. Thank you for posting it.

  2. Thomas Jefferson said that the thoughtful mind sees not the flag alone, but the sacrifice that is behind it. I always agreed with that. I'm not sure I get it when people chat during the national anthem at a game or whatever, or not saying the pledge...
